Committee Work

  Committee Work

As part of the duties outlined in their job description, Full-Time Faculty are required to serve on one or more committees:

Participate collegially in department, college, cross-college, discipline-specific, district, and community service activities:

  1. Serve on and play an active role in department, college, cross-college, discipline-specific, and/or district committees.
  2. Participate in service through appropriate discipline-specific organizations, educational organizations, statewide boards/ committees or community activities.
  3. Assist in policy development and other governance matters within one’s discipline, department, college, or at district level or across the college

Adjunct Faculty are not required to, but are encouraged to serve on committees:

Participate collegially in department, college, cross-college, discipline-specific, district, and community service activities:

  1. Serve on and play an active role in department and college committees.
  2. Participate in service through in discipline-related organizations or community activities.
  3. Assist in policy development and other governance matters within one’s discipline and department.
  4. Participate in the selection of appropriate materials to support academic departments’ course curriculum in accordance with the Alamo Colleges’ Guidelines for Selection of Instructional Materials.

Active NVC Committees

If you're interested on serving on any of them, contact the listed Committee Chair for upcoming meeting time/dates. 

NVC Committees

Committee Chair


Hispanic Heritage

June Pedraza

International Week

Migdalia Garcia

Black History Month

Tamica Pratt 

Women's History Month

Rachael Bower


Rose Rodriguez 


Brittany Lopez 

Pride Committee

Elizabeth Murray

Constitution Day

Jessica Markstrom and Kort Jackson  and

Following are some of the other current NVC committees on which faculty members may serve:

Admissions and Records Appeals The Committee is comprised of faculty and staff which review student petitions seeking registration into a class after the Census date or withdrawal after the withdrawal deadline.

Academic Integrity Panel - The panel reviews issues in which a student disagrees with the decision of an Academic Chair in an Academic Integrity matter.  Procedures are outlined in the Student Code of Conduct Links to an external site., on the Academic Integrity Links to an external site. page, and on the Plagiarism/Scholastic Dishonesty Links to an external site. page.

Across the Curriculum-These teams represent the core objectives as defined by the Texas Core Curriculum Links to an external site..

Cooperative Learning-The cooperative learning committee is responsible for developing and facilitating cooperative learning faculty development sessions for both full time faculty and adjunct faculty.

Curriculum Review Team-Faculty submit potential course and degree plan changes to the NVC (Northwest Vista College) CRT (Curriculum Review Team), which is composed of the academic chairs and the VPAS.  The change forms and supporting documents are submitted and maintained on the Alamo Colleges SharePoint site.  During an NVC CRT meeting, the faculty member presents the proposed changes.  The CRT discusses and votes (majority) on the changes.  Approved changes are sent for final review by the Alamo Colleges Curriculum Council Links to an external site.

(Log in using nvc\yourACES ID and desktop password)

Faculty Advising-The Faculty Advising Standing Committee was developed to coordinate the college-wide Faculty Advising initiative.  The committee provides training to faculty on advising issues, creates online resources, provides interdisciplinary faculty support, and coordinates the distribution of information related to faculty advising issues such as new curriculum changes, and program requirements.

Adjunct Senate-The Adjunct Senate highlights adjunct voices and provides a forum through which adjunct faculty concerns inform recommendations to college and district bodies. 

Faculty Senate-The Faculty Senate is a representative body whose membership includes full-time faculty from across all departments.  In accordance with the Faculty Senate Constitution, departmental and at-large representatives are elected to serve for two-year staggered terms.  At bi-monthly meetings, the Faculty Senate raises and discusses issues that relate to the administrative, academic, and instructional life of the College and District. Minutes are composed and distributed online after every meeting and can be accessed on the web (need link). The Faculty Senate will often appoint members to serve on college and district committees.

Grade Appeals - Students who are not satisfied with an instructor's decision on a final course grade may submit an appeal according to the Academic Grievance Procedure Links to an external site..  The Grade Appeals committee will review the issues and issue a decision on the case.

Institutional Review Board The institutional review board (IRB) was formally designated to approve, monitor, and review biomedical and behavioral research involving humans.  The IRB conduct risk-benefit analysis in an attempt to determine whether or not research should be done. The number one priority of the IRB is to protect human subjects from physical or psychological harm.

Mexican American Studies The Mexican-American Studies Program at NVC exposes students  to the  study of  Mexican-American themes and topics . This field of study includes politics, history, sociology, art, literature, world languages, cultural studies, education, communications, business and marketing.

Peace and Conflict Studies As an interdisciplinary study, the program aims to transcend the classroom into real life application of conflict resolution through collaborative endeavors with other educational institutions as well as community organizations. The committee works together on program curriculum, student events and speaking presentations to raise awareness about different conflict subjects and how to address them using peace and conflict strategies. 

Promotion Appeals A faculty member who made application and was denied promotion may submit an appeal to the college Promotion Appeals Committee. Full-time faculty members in the college who have served a minimum of three years in the Colleges shall elect from their number, in February of each odd-numbered year, a Promotion Appeals Committee. The election shall be conducted by the Faculty Senate. The Senate will set the size of the Committee, provided that there shall be no fewer than five members. The senior faculty member elected shall convene the Committee for election of a chairperson.