"The majority of leaders today still operate from a “Command and Control” leadership style. This leadership style focuses on efficiency and getting things done. They view their employees as fragmented people (just an employee) versus a whole person (body, heart, mind, and spirit). It’s about self-interest and competing, rather than serving and caring. It’s about motivating, rather than inspiring, and controlling instead of unleashing potential." (Franklin Covey)
- Leaders should move from Command and Control to Trust and Inspire.
- 7 Steps to Create an Environment of Trust on Your Team | Franklin Covey - Presentation Download Presentation
"Most organizations and teams today still operate from a leadership model rooted in “Command & Control,” focusing on positional power, hierarchy, and compliance. But because of the accelerating disruption in the world, the workforce, work itself, and the choices we have for where and how to work and live, these old rules of leadership no longer apply. The “Command & Control” leadership model is outdated. We need to shift to a more accurate, relevant, and complete model: a “Trust & Inspire” leadership model." (Franklin Covey)
- Even though our world has changed drastically, our leadership style has not.
- 6 Key Communication Techniques to Build Trust and Inspire Your Team | Franklin Covey - Presentation Download Presentation
- Interpersonal Communication Links to an external site. [37m] - Video by LinkedIn Learning
"Every person has things that they not only do exceptionally well but also love to do — their natural genius. And they want to contribute those abilities in ways that are seen and valued. By leading like a Multiplier, you can unlock the natural genius of every member of your team. Research shows that Multipliers get more from the people they lead — much more. They get more intelligent action, more skillful problem solving, and more concentrated effort." (Franklin Covey)
- Genius is everywhere — if you look for it
- 5 Ways to Multiply your Teams Natural Genius | Franklin Covey - Presentation Download Presentation
- Cross Cultural Differences
- Cross-Cultural Management Links to an external site. [4m:40s] - YouTube Video by InternationalHub