GPS Career: Focus II Career Assessment

GPS Career: Focus II Career Assessment (Overview)


After completing this module you will be able to:GPS Career Assessment Pic 01

• You will have a better understanding of your skills and the career that you choose to pursue.



Within this module you will need to complete the following:

  • Complete the Focus II career assessment assignment. 
  • You will RESEARCH your career field. 



Career focus

Unsure of where you are going?  Looking at all the possibilities?  This module will help you look at careers that match your personality and skills.  Maybe something new will come up that makes you reconsider your current choice or maybe the assessment will reaffirm what you already know about yourself.

Career Assessment and Report Module

Start early so that you have time to complete all requirements!

For this module you will be taking a career assessment that will compile your unique characteristics, likes and dislikes, and skills that should be considered when choosing a career. Next, the program will recommend career choices that you can evaluate and research.


GPS Career: Focus II Career Assessment


Follow the directions for the Assessment Instructions in the "GPS Career: Focus II Online Instructions.pdf" link. Then record your answers to the questions below and reflect on your career options. 

GPS Career Assessment Focus II 02.jpg

1. Take the Assessment.

Hint for Focus 2: Work quickly. Do not over analyze any question. Go with your “gut instinct.” Once you have completed the Work Interest assessment you will be given your Work Interest Profile Code that you need to write down and keep. 



2. Answer the following questions after you complete the Focus II online Career Assessment.  (You may also use the attached DOCUMENT Download DOCUMENT to record your answers)

1.  What is your Holland Code Or Work Interest Profile? GPS Career Assessment Focus II 01

First Letter  _____

Second Letter  _____

Third Letter  _____

Answer the following questions. 

2.  What is your current major?
3.  What is your current Career choice?
4.  What did the assessment suggest as a Career?
5.  Describe the Career you researched (Purpose, Duties/Responsibilities, Locations, Etc.).
6.  Describe in short detail two other career suggestions that were interesting to you.